About Jyotishya Shastra :
T he belief that astrology can know the human personality, the future, etc., based on the positions of the bodies in space. Astrology is not just about the human future, but also about the future of politics, country, economic, and so on. Some of the most important aspects of astrology are ..alphabetical Tithi, Week, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are called the five elements of the five elements. But today's Tithi, weeks are not tomorrow. As well as the star, yoga, karana. These five organs, which vary every day, are archetypes. The book that describes these five is called the calendar. This calendar book contains tithi, varadis, samvatsaras, ayana, masadis, elapsed days, eclipses, rituals, as well as planetary conditions, poisons, immortals, and other religious festivals that are useful for horoscopes. In addition, these five organs are briefly written by their initials. It is necessary to know a little about this Tithi, Week, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana before unraveling the book. ...